Thursday, April 9, 2009

Games reminded me of a Name.

During the Time that I went by Pink, I also went by Burnboy.

there were a few reasons I earned this Prestigious title.

During my time as a Magic player I focused on the Color Red. I was Obsessed with it.

out of the five colors of Magic Red signified Fire. Raw, brutal, unrelenting fire.

in massive group games I did my job well if I was the second person to die. I would Melt one person and the rest would gang up on me knowing if I regained my strength anyone of them was instantly next.

Ratman and his Roomate both were also obsessed with Magic and the anchors for most of our massive group games... anyway, they had a conversation about me once that they never realized I could hear... I have a nack for being able to cut blue noise to here conversations in crowded rooms, or in this case a packed Coffee house. anyway... they were talking about me and it went somthing like this.

"Ive never seen anyone play like he does..."

"yes but our lil burnboy has one weakness, fires that burn the brightest, burn out the fastest."

"I can see that, he plays like he does..."

I figured what they ment by that was simple. I have a ton of energy in bursts, but the more intensly I attack/react the quicker Im drained.

It was a fitting Nickname and it even stuck at the DCI tournys.

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