Thursday, August 16, 2012

Zombie Skies

I have a book idea...   omg this story will rock hardcore.

Steampunk, Zombies, and a Dashing Captain

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

back handed....

I Carry it well.  I am High Functioning.  I am beating the odds. you smell good for a big guy. you would be a Handsome man if...

These are the government cheese of compliments.

Yes I get it, I'm Damaged goods, but if you cant figure out a compliment that is JUST a Compliment then please don't bother.

to once again quote my Grand mother; If you cant say anything nice, just STFU.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Socially Awkward

People say they enjoy my company...

People sometimes laugh at my jokes...

People seem to ignore when I say things that are out of line or awkward...

so I wonder, as I've wondered for well over a decade now.

is my awkwardness random, or am I the retarded kid that is "on" the team but only gets to hit the field when the team is so far ahead that me running around like a retard wont hurt the game.

Am I being Humored? because that's how it seems most days.